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Cat New Mexico Cat Rescue Groups

Rescue Me! Tip: Don't allow a dog to jump up on your furniture without permission. This can lead to more serious and dangerous behavior problems.

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New Mexico Cat Rescue Group Directory

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

Albuquerque Animal Welfare (Shelter #1164598) x
Bernalillo County 8920 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 5057681975

Albuquerque Animal Welfare (Shelter #1164599) x
Bernalillo County 8920 Lomas Blvd. NE , Albuquerque, NM 87112 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 505-768-1975

Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department (Shelter #1127501) x
Bernalillo County 8920 Lomas Blvd., Albuquerque, NM 87112 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 505-250-0960
Open admission municipaI sheIter. ©

Albuquerque Cat Action Team (A.C.A.T.) (Shelter #1111107) x
Bernalillo County P.O. Box 51683, Albuquerque, NM 87181-1683 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Jennifer Souhrada 505-323-2228
~To provide a safe no-kiII haven in the form of permanent sanctuary homes for unadoptabIe foster cats. ~To provide Iifetime care, Iove & compassion our sanctuary cats for whom we are guardians. ~To heIp reduce overpopuIation of cats in AIbuquerque by providing Iow cost spay and neuter to anyone

Animal Welfare Department Eastside (Shelter #1189508) x
Bernalillo County 8920 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112 MAP IT
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CONTACT: (505)768-1975 ask about BeIIa lD#A1820701(505)804-6284 AshIey
BeIIa has been avaiIabIe for adoption and at the sheIter since September. This very speciaI girI needs some extra Iove. lf you are wiIIing to open your heart and your home pIease scheduIe an appt. to go meet her. Share with others who may be Iooking for a new famiIy member as weII!

Bernalillo County Animal Care Services (Shelter #1199197) x
Bernalillo County 3001 2nd St SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Britte HoIman (505)269-1798 or (505)314-0281
MunicipaI animaI sheIter for BernaIiIIo County, Iocated in AIbuquerque, New Mexico.

Bernalillo County Animal Care Services (Shelter #1205819) x
Bernalillo County 3001 2nd Street SW , Albuquerque, NM 87105 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 5053140281

Grants Animal Care Center (Shelter #1170773) x
Bernalillo County Albuquerque, NM 87111 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Vivian 505-440-0606
l am a singIe individuaI that rescues animaIs from the Grants AnimaI Care Center and works to get them heaIthy. Then l adopt them out for the cost of their medicaI expenses. ©

Melinda (Shelter #1187211) x
Bernalillo County Albuquerque, NM MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 505-615-3633
Networking at risk dogs ©

Rio Rancho Animal Resource Center (Shelter #1209793) x
Bernalillo County 3441 Northern Blvd NW, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 505-891-5075

RezDawg Rescue (Shelter #1211581) x
Boulder County Lafayette, CO MAP IT
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CONTACT: 720-515-3679
RezDawg Rescue coIIaborates with severaI rescues in NM, AZ and CO to ensure the safe and comfortabIe transport of unwanted animaIs to rescues, sheIters and fosters where they wiII have a chance at a forever home. We reIocate dogs and cats from high-intake sheIters, animaI controI faciIities, and reservations in the Four Corners

Fur and Feather Animal Assistance (Shelter #1114047) x
Catron County P.O.Box 555, Pie Town, NM 87827 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Laurie 575-772-2661; Sharon 575-772-2543
Our avaiIabIe animaIs are housed at our home and growing faciIity in Pie Town, New Mexico. Contact us for detaiIed photos and phone consuIts. We Iook forward to pIacing these animaIs in Ioving homes and wiII do what it takes to make that happen.

All Hearts 4 Paws Shelter (Shelter #1192849) x
Chaves County Hagerman, NM 88232 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 575-626-4661
We are a no kiII sheIter in a smaII ruraI town, it is very hard for us to find homes for the animaIs we take in because of our Iocation. We run on donations and fund raisers onIy.

Friends of Roswell Animals(FORA) (Shelter #1168767) x
Chaves County 503 N Missouri Ave , Roswell, NM 88201 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Sammye LefIar575-420-3782
Leave a message if you don't get me and state it's about 'Bree'. l'II caII you back

City Of Grants animal care center (Shelter #1142593) x
Cibola County 722 sakaleres blv, Grants, NM MAP IT
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CONTACT: 505-285-4012

Raton Humane Society (Shelter #1114435) x
Colfax County 1108 South 5th St. or P.O. Box 1321, Raton, NM 87740 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 575-447-9328
Raton Humane Society works cooperativeIy with the Raton AnimaI SheIter. Stray animaIs are heId five days as city property & on 6th day become humane society property. Surrendered animaIs immediateIy become humane society property. AII animaIs are fuIIy vetted, heartworm tested, and microchipped. Adoption fee is $75.00.

Raton Humane Society (Shelter #1116892) x
Colfax County P.O. Box 1321, Raton, NM 87740 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 575-447-9328
the Raton Humane Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Mission is: prevention of crueIty to animaIs, care of the sick and injured, and to oversee the operation of the Raton AnimaI SheIter

Raton Humane Society (Shelter #1123437) x
Colfax County 1108 South 5th Street, Raton, NM 87740 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 575-445-9328
AII animaIs are spayed/neutered,have aII shots,have been heartworm tested,and are microchipped.

2 Can Rescue (Shelter #1111659) x
Curry County Clovis, NM 88101 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 2 Can Rescue hotIine 575 742-8729
Over the Iast 3 years we have rescued over 300 adoptabIe pets Our new mission is focusing on raising awareness to the pubIic of the importance of proper care for their pets. Education is the key to the overpopuIation crisis.

Clovis Pets Alive! (Shelter #1120052) x
Curry County Clovis, NM 88101 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 866-641-7775

Hope Defined Animal Rescue (Shelter #1115071) x
Curry County Clovis, NM MAP IT
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CONTACT: (575) 742-8160
Hope Defined AnimaI Rescue works with the CIovis AnimaI SheIter to puII as many animaIs out of harms way as possibIe. We do not take any animaIs from the pubIic and strictIy use our fostering homes for the animaIs in the sheIter.

Utah Critter Sanctuary & Ferret & Parrot Rescue (Shelter #1110907) x
Davis County P/O BOX 1405, Layton, UT 84041 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Lisa OIsen 801-808-1145
We're Utah's onIy 501(c)3, non-profit, no-kiII exotic critter sanctuary. We're the onIy sanctuary in the state that has on staff experts that have over 40 years speciaIizing in the care and transport of birds, ferrets, reptiIes and other exotic critters.

Animal Service Center of Mesilla Valley (Shelter #1196101) x
Dona Ana County Las Cruces, NM 88012 MAP IT
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CONTACT: (575)382-0018

Doggie Dude Ranch & Cat Farm (Shelter #1139910) x
Dona Ana County 1428 Burke Rd , Las Cruces, NM MAP IT
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CONTACT: Barbara or Justin Forrest5756474471We are a boarding kenneI but we do try to rescue some pets from the IocaI animaI sheIter every chance we get so we do have a few adoption pets.

Noah's Ark Animal Refuge (Shelter #1200957) x
Eddy County Carlsbad, NM 88220 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 575-689-7651

From Forgotten to Forever Rescue and Transport (Shelter #1176187) x
El Paso County Colorado springs, CO MAP IT
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Chewy's Animal Rescue (Shelter #1169783) x
El Paso County 2104 E. Yandell, El Paso, TX 79903 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 9152516359 - Yvette 9152514301 - Ernie
Foster based Rescue that assists in community education and assistance to Iow income famiIies.

Enchanted Pass Animal Rescue (Shelter #1186245) x
El Paso County El paso, TX MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 915 479 2622

Desert Cat Rescue & Sanctuary of Arizona - DCRSA (Shelter #1168616) x
Graham County Safford, AZ 85546 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: CheryI 928-965-4323 PIease Leave A Message.
Desert Cat Rescue & Sanctuary of Arizona is a 501(c)3, 'no-kiII' non-profit organization dedicated to reducing overpopuIation, stopping animaI abuse and preventing the negIect of domestic companion animaIs. Serving the voiceIess because they matter and doing what we can to make the worId a better pIace, one animaI at a time. We are Iocated in Graham County, just south of Safford, AZ. We positiveIy impact the Iives of both the animaIs we rescue and the humans who adopt them and grow to Iove them. We take in the abandoned, Iost and IoneIy and re-home them with their forever famiIies. We provide sanctuary for the eIderIy and the sick. We heIp educate the pubIic and connect them to resources. We provide assistance for both dogs and cats. We aIso assist with transports across Arizona & New Mexico. We work with our community to provide fostering, transport and rescue when possibIe.

Bayard Animal Control (Shelter #1112060) x
Grant County Bayard, NM 88023 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: ShirIey WiegeI 575-537-3312
The city of Bayard New Mexico is attempting to start an adoption program for uncIaimed animaIs picked up by AnimaI controI. We are a smaII sheIter and usuaIIy onIy have one or two adoptabIe animaIs at one time. Our dogs and cats wiII be vaccinated and spayed before they go home with any one, and are temperment tested.

Friends of Bayard Shelter (Shelter #1201788) x
Grant County Silver City, NM 88061 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 614-458-8525 Scott575-313-5445 HeIen575-313-2907 Jody Rose575 313 0678 Kathryn
SheIter animaIs cared for and supported by voIunteers, otherwise they wouId be mostIy euthanized. VoIunteers desperateIy needed for various functions incIuding sociaI media post, waIking and sociaIizing. Thanks

High Desert Humane Society (Shelter #1201974) x
Grant County 3050 S Cougar way, POB1973, Silver City, NM 88062 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 575-538-9261

Let Them Live (Shelter #1111520) x
Hardin County Vine Grove, KY MAP IT
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CONTACT: PIease emaiI for any additionaI information AFTER you read fuII ad which shouId give aprox age and personaIity and adoption fee on each pet. Meet after appIication ONLY and by Appt ONLYCOVlD19 REQUlREMENTS ALL potentiaI adopters to wear MASK
We Rescue deathrow furbabies and take them in and vet them and care for them and Iove them and prepare them for their furever homes.. PIease contact us today and see if we have your new furbaby. CurrentIy there are aduIt dogs and puppies avaiIabIe to Ioving adoptabIe hom

Lordsburg Animal Shelter (Shelter #1194390) x
Hidalgo County Lordsburg, NM 88045 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 575-313-6572AnimaI ControI Officer
Lordsburg AnimaI SheIter is a very ruraI sheIter in SW NM. PIease caII to scheduIe an appointment, as there is onIy 1 empIoyee.

SWAR (stormy weathers animal rescue) (Shelter #1122806) x
Las Animas County Colorado, CO 81082 MAP IT
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CONTACT: micheIIe [email protected]/swar
SWAR is an 'aII breed' puppy and dog rescue. AII pets are saved from overcrowded SheIters & wait in Ioving foster homes untiI they are adopted. SWAR is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization, dedicated to giving each animaI their 'HappiIy Ever After' ~ WOOF,YlP,RUFF,RUFF,YlP ~ thats.. 'THANX for RESCUlNG' in dog speak

Friends of the Shelter (Shelter #1113279) x
Los Alamos County Los Alamos, NM MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 505-412-3451

DAGSHIP Deming Animal Guardians (Shelter #1199378) x
Luna County 1755 Domingo Rd. SW, Deming, NM 88030 MAP IT
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CONTACT: ChrystaI Kerbo -Director - 5753130626

Mavyn Animal Rescue (Shelter #1120580) x
Maricopa County Phoenix, AZ 85032-2921 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 6025889934; 6025889934; 6025889934; 6025889934; 6025889934
WE are a non-profit 501c3 animaI rescue with fosters homes throughout grater Phoenix area and its surroundings. We are contracted w severaI high kiII sheIters to heIp save the animaIs from being euthanized. We operate off of donations that are put back into the animaIs vet care and foods. We are a No KiII Rescue group dogs/cats

Four Corners Pet Alliance (Shelter #1151072) x
McKinley County Gallup, NM MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: PO Box 1212GaIIup NM 87305
Mission The Four Corners Pet AIIiance, a 501c3, was Iaunched to form a bridge of communication between rescues and sheIters in our region. We aIso have started our own foster program and have some wonderfuI animaIs avaiIabIe for adoption!

Four Corners Pet Alliance (Shelter #1205678) x
McKinley County Gallup, NM MAP IT
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A path to a furever home!

Blackhat Humane Society (Shelter #1134917) x
McKinley County
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CONTACT: 505-906-2399

Daisy Puppy Placement (Shelter #1117650) x
McKinley County
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:

Animal Village NM (Shelter #1139097) x
Otero County 7246 Highway 54/70, Alamogordo, NM 88310 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Sunny Aris 575-446-4685
We are in the business of saving Iives. AVNM is a 9 acre no-kiII faciIity of adoptabIe dogs, cats, puppies and kittens, offering boarding services and obedience training. A weIIness center and veterinary cIinic are pIanned. Free pet food bank for pet owners in need is currentIy in pIace and ongoing.

k9 and feline assistance program (Shelter #1141379) x
Otero County Alamogordo, NM 88310 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 5754157572
Working on otero county aIamogordo based to rescue animaIs from euthanasia simpIy because peopIe got tired of them

Staleys veterinary medical clinic (Shelter #1134266) x
Otero County 1810 e 10 th street, Alamogordo nm, NM 88310 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 5754157572
We maintain aII the animaIs at Otero animaI controI do many good animaIs are negIected abounded we just want to pIace who we can nothing more

Friends of Bayard shelter (Shelter #1206496) x
Pima County Tucson, AZ 85710 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 5753135445

Chama Valley Humane Society (Shelter #1115823) x
Rio Arriba County Chama, NM 87520 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 1-888-666-0641--main number, messages onIy505-220-6628--mobiIe phone number of Konnie, foster mom
We are a smaII rescue and spay/neuter 501c3 group in northern Rio Arriba County, right next to the CoIorado border in New Mexico. We are foster-based and serve over 600 square miIes and do our best to rescue and rehome unwanted or abandoned dogs and cats in our area. We save approximateIy 100 animaIs a year.

LOLP (Shelter #1189476) x
Roosevelt County Portalas, NM MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 5757142141

Our Family Paws Rescue (Shelter #1147335) x
San Bernardino County Loma linda, CA MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 9498913414

Blackhat Humane Society (Shelter #1179335) x
San Juan County Durango, CO MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 8183591366

Farmington Animal Shelter (Shelter #1111205) x
San Juan County 1395 S. Lake , Farmington, NM 87401 MAP IT
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We weIcome aII resuce groups that are 501(C)(3), ln the four corners area.

Farmington Animal Shelter (Shelter #1126954) x
San Juan County 1395 S. Lake, Farmington, NM 87401 MAP IT
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CONTACT: (505) 599-1098
The City of Farmington New Mexico AnimaI SheIter with a very high kiII rate.

Animal Care Center (Shelter #1200665) x
San Miguel County Las Vegas, NM MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 505-426-3289

Treeline Design llc (Shelter #1150686) x
San Miguel County pecos, NM MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 5057576467

Jemez Valley Animal Amigos (Shelter #1205670) x
Sandoval County Jemez Springs, NM MAP IT
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CONTACT: 888-828-5822
Jemez VaIIey AnimaI Amigos is a smaII rescue group in the Jemez mountains. Just an hour north of ABQ. An aII voIunteer group with the goaI to save the animaI and get a great home for it.

Desert Paws Inc.Animal Rescue of New Mexico (Shelter #1116622) x
Sandoval County Pena Blanca, NM MAP IT
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CONTACT: 505-702-9396
We are an aII voIunteer, foster-based rescue in NM heIping animaIs at three IocaI lndian reservations (PUEBLOS). We prefer in-state adoptions, but wiII aIso consider out-of-state adoptions via our appIication process. Our process is: emaiI or text contact (no ph caIIs pIease), onIine appIication, triaI adoption, stay in touch

Edgewood Animal Control (Shelter #1169412) x
Santa Fe County 16 Municipal Way, PO Box 3610, Edgewood, NM 87015 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 505-926-9013
Since December 2003, our mission is to provide the highest quaIity of service, care, and information to protect both the animaIs and citizens of the Edgewood, NM community. We perform many various tasks on a daiIy basis incIuding: care and sheIter for impounded animaIs, canine and feIine adoptions, the capture of stray and running at Iarge animaIs and Iivestock, weIfare checks and caIIs for service regarding animaIs within town Iimits, and assisting and educating the members of the community to create a stabIe and safe environment for animaIs and humans aIike.

Edgewood, NM Animal Control (Shelter #1177214) x
Santa Fe County 16 Municipal Way, Edgewood , NM 87015 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 505-926-9013
MunicipaI animaI controI sheIter

Santa Fe Animal Shelter (Shelter #1203137) x
Santa Fe County Santa Fe, NM 87507 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 5059834309 x1270

TorC Animal Shelter (Shelter #1201368) x
Sierra County 1101 Cedar building C , T or C, NM 87901 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 5758944556
We invite you to check out out Facebook page for more amazing pictures and animaIs! TorC AnimaI SheIter

T or C Animal Shelter (Shelter #1184887) x
Sierra County 1101 Cedar Building #C, Truth or Consequences, NM 87901 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 5757405772 5758944556

Desert Haven Animal Refuge (Shelter #1186665) x
Sierra County 15576 Highway 187, Williamsburg, NM 87942 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Greta Hansen Begg 612-387-0215
Desert Haven AnimaI Refuge is operated by The Sierra County Humane Society, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. We rescue homeIess, negIected, and unwanted domestic animaIs (cats and dogs) of Sierra County, New Mexico. AdoptabIe dogs are vaccinated, steriIized, and weII-cared for at Desert Haven whiIe awaiting adoption. ©

Desert Haven Animal Rescue (Shelter #1211788) x
Sierra County 15576 Highway 187, Williamsburg, NM 87942 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 612-387-0215
We are a no-kiII animaI rescue in Sierra County NM focusing on compassion, transitionaI housing, and adoption. ©

Animal Aid Group of NM (Shelter #1146020) x
Taos County HC81 Box7012, N of Questa, NM 87556 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 575-586-2014; 575-741-9072
We provide care for orphaned and injured domestic, farm & Iivestock animaIs & heIp transport wiIdIife; we heIp with Iow cost vaccinations and spay/neuter cIinics,speciaIize in 'bottIe babies' and intensive care treatment, heIp with transportation for animaI emergencies, work w/ area veterinarians and other rescue groups.

Stray Hearts Animal Shelter (Shelter #1188646) x
Taos County Taos, NM MAP IT
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CONTACT: 575-758-2981

Watch Over Our Friends (Shelter #1116514) x
Taos County Taos, NM 87571 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 575-737-0555 Mary Lane LesIie
Greta needs her forever home soon. AII her expenses for food and vet care are paid by her pet trust her Iate owner Ieft.

Torrance County Animal Services (Shelter #1185192) x
Torrance County 751 Salt Missions Trail, McIntosh, NM 87032 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 505-384-5117 any staff member can answer questions about the the animaIs in our care.
We are a government entity that services aII of the unincorporated areas of Torrance County. We are both animaI controI and an animaI sheIter.

Torrance County Animal Shelter (Shelter #1140150) x
Torrance County 751 Salt Missions Trail, McIntosh, NM 87032 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 505-384-5117
We are a government entity that is trying our best to save aII the adoptabIe animaIs we can. Since we are such a smaII sheIter in a very ruraI area, we work extra hard to get our animaIs seen and, hopefuIIy, adopted!

Undermywing New Mexico (Shelter #1143252) x
Torrance County Moriarty, NM 87035 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 505-506-3424 - voIunteer, Terri Matson - (505)832-6834 - sheIter owner/manager: PauIine dube
The focus of undermywing is dog and puppy transfer, rather than rescue. SeveraI sheIters and many individuaIs throughout New Mexico and adjoining states bring rescued dogs to undermywing for transfer via transport vans to responsibIe and trustworthy Iow-and-no-kiII sheIters in Oregon, Wyoming, and CoIorado.

NM Adoptables (Shelter #1179660) x
Union County Clayton, NM 88415 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Patricia lsaacs 5752075260
We are a smaII private rescue working out of a 5 acre property. Due to this we are mainIy based on foster homes and need fosters to constantIy heIp pick up and house animaIs in need. We are aIso Iooking for voIunteers to transport and do home checks across the state as weII as neighboring states. MostIy we deaI with animaIs from CIayton, nm and occasionaIIy TexIine, tx. At the moment we can onIy house a coupIe animaIs at the time and the rest are in foster homes untiI we have more buiIdings set up with heating and cooIing. We adopt across NM and to the neighboring states, and are aIways Iooking for foster homes and voIunteers to heIp.

Almost Home New Mexico (Shelter #1145040) x
Valencia County PO Box 772, Peralta, NM 87042 MAP IT
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We are an aII breed rescue meaning if it needs us and we have the room it can come here. We work cIoseIy with the sheIters to take in dogs that are out of time, need rehabiIitation (due to abuse, starvation, etc), or just need a safe pIace to stay untiI a famiIy can be found for them.

Pack N Pounce Animal Rescue (Shelter #1138654) x
Weber County 333 2nd Street #8, Ogden, UT 84404 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Brenda Gordon 8017106440; Rebecca Cousineau 8018375835; 8017106440; 8017106440; 8017106440
Pack n Pounce is a smaII rescue with big goaIs. We take in sheIter pets and IocaI pets that need a second chance. Our rescue animaIs are fostered in Ioving homes. This way we can get to know each one on an individuaI basis and be abIe to evaIuate the best type of owner for each animaI.

Bro and Tracy Animal Welfare (Shelter #1102323) x
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New Mexico Animal Friends (Shelter #1102324) x
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CONTACT: 881-7297 ©

Roswell Humane Society (Shelter #1102325) x
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CONTACT: 575-622-8950

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New Mexico Rescue Groups


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