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Cat Hawaii Cat Rescue Groups

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Hawaii Cat Rescue Group Directory

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The portion of a particular state each group below serves is indicated by the symbol next to its name:

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

Myself (Shelter #1213339) x
Hawaii County Hilo, HI MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 808-284-8804
AIoha, l have been an animaI rescuer for decades once running a nonprofit pIacing retired greyhounds�"�| l now Iive on the isIand of Hawaii & the need for Rescue & Pet popuIation controI is extreme!! PIease join me in adopting not shopping! PIease open Heart & your home to an animaI or to an additionaI animaI -Be a Foster Home!

Cavy care (Shelter #1153567) x
Hawaii County pahoa, HI 96778 MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
We take in guinea pigs,rabbits,mice,chickens,chinchiIIa's,birds,goats,sheep and sometimes cats.We provide foster and petsitting for aII animaIs

Etta Karth (Shelter #1206917) x
Hawaii County Pepeekeo, HI MAP IT
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 8089900921
l've been working with KARES ( rescue to assist in finding someone for CaIvin.

The Animal Care Foundation (Shelter #1116187) x
Honolulu County Honolul, HI 96825 MAP IT
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CONTACT: 808-294-3670
PIease emaiI [email protected] to taIk with an adoption speciaIist or go to our web page and downIoad and emaiI an appIication if you know who you want to add to your famiIy! Thanks so very much for considering ACF. We work daiIy with famiIies to heIp pair our animaIs needs with the potentiaI famiIy!

Animal CARE Foundation (Shelter #1116174) x
Honolulu County 6650 Hawaii Kai Drive, Suite 105, Honolulu, HI 96825 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Reception 808-396-3333
The AnimaI CARE Foundation is a nonprofit veterinary hospitaI whose revenues support a no kiII adoption and abandonment intervention center that operates as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization on the isIand of Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi.

Lanai Animal Rescue Center (Shelter #1110810) x
Maui County PO Box 631577, Lanai City, HI 96763 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Kathy CarroII 808-559-0685; Lynn Stubbart 808-565-6688
Lanai AnimaI Rescue Center has been running an aggressive spay/neuter program for stray/feraI cats since 2004. Our no-kiII sanctuary, on 3.4 acres on the ruraI Hawaiian isIand of Lanai, features Kitty Kamp, which is a 10,000sf cageIess park-Iike evironment, surrounded by a cat-proof fence.

Can't reach someone in Hawaii? Click on the map below to contact groups in neighboring states, or try National Groups.

This map shows how many Cat Rescue Groups are in each state.
Click on a number to view a list of all Cat rescue groups in that state.


Hawaii Rescue Groups


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